Artículos Seleccionados

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Curriculum Vitae


Allen, D. & Briggs, D. (eds) 1990. Evolution and the fossil record. Smithsonian Institution Press, 256 p.

Briggs, D. & Crowther. 1990. Paleobiology: A synthesis. Blackwell Sci. Publ. 600 p.

Clarckson, E. 1993. Invertebrate paleontology and evolution. Chapman and Hall, London, 3er. Edition.

Cowen, R. 1990. Histoty of life. Blackwell Sci. Publ.

Dodd, J. R. & R. Stanton. 1990. Paleoecology: concepts and applications. Wiley & Sons, 2nd. Ed., 502 p.

Eicher, D. 1973. El tiempo geologico. Colección fundamentos de las ciencias de la tierra. Omega. 149 p.

Goldring, R. 1991. Fossils in the field: Information potenctial and analysis. Longman Sci. And Technical. 218 p.

Hallam, A. 1994. An outline of phanerozoic biogeography. Oxford biogeography series No. 10. Oxford University Press.

Jones, S., R. Martin y D. Pilbeam. (eds). 1992. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution. Cambridge University Press. 506 p.

McKinney, F. 1991. Excercises in invertebrate paleontology. Blackwell Sci. Publ., 272 p.

Newton, C. & L. Laporte. 1989. Ancient enviroment. Prentice Hall. Foundations of Earth Sciences Series, 178 p.

Patzkowsky, M. E., & Holland, S. M. 2012. Stratigraphic paleobiology : understanding the distribution of fossil taxa in time and space. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, c2012.

Prothero, D. 1990. Interpreting the stratigraphic record. W. H. Freeman & co., 410 p.

Raup, D. & S. Stanley. 1979. Principios de Paleontología. Ed. Ariel, México, 456 p.

Seyfert, C. Y L. Sirkin. 1979. Earth history and plate tectonics. Harper & Row publication. P 28 – 49.

Shipman, P. 1981. Life history a fossil. An introduction to taphonomy and paleoecology. Harvard University press, 222 p.

Stanley, S. M., & Luczaj, J. A. 2015. Earth system history. Steven M. Stanley, John A. Luczaj. New York, NY : W.H. Freeman and Company, [2015].

Stanley, S. 1993. Exploring earth and life through time. Freeman, New York.

Stewart, W. & G. Rothwell. 1993. Paleobotany and evolution of plants. Cambridge Univ. Press. New York.

Xiao, S. 2006. Neoproterozoic geobiology and paleobiology. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag, c2006.


Aubouin, J. Y B. Brousse. 1981. Tratado de geología. Tomo II (Paleontología y Estratigrafía). Ed. Omega.

Anónimo 1976. Historia de la Paleontología en México. Enciclopedia de México. Tomo 5: 334 – 351.

Barry y Spicer. 1987. The evolution and paleobiology of land plants.

Behrensmeyer, A. 1992. Terrestrial ecosystems through time: Evolutionary paleoecology of terrestrial plants and animals. Univ. Chicago Press.

Behrensmeyer, A., y S. Kidwell. 1985. Taphonomy’s contribution to paleobiology. Paleobiology 11 (1): 105 – 119

Blatt, H. 1991. Principles of stratigraphic analysis. Blacwell Scientific Publications.

Beck, Ch. (ed) 1988. Origin and evolution of gymnosperms. Columbia Univ. Press. New York.

Bengtson, S. (ed.) 1994. Early life on earth. Nobel simposium No. 84. Columbia Univ. Press. New York.

Broadhead, Th. (ed) 1988. Molecular evolution and the fossil record. Short courses in paleontology No. 1. Publication of the paleontological society. 167 p.

Cracraft, J. Y N. Eldredge. (eds.) 1979. Phylogenetic analysis and paleontology, Columbia Univ. Press, 233 p.

Donoghue, M. M. Et. Al. 1989. The importance of fossils in phylogeny reconstruccion, Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 20: 431 – 460.

Donovan, S. 1989. Mass extincions: processes and evidence.Columbia Univ. Press. 226 p.

Gingerich, Ph. 1985. Species in the fossil record: concepts, trends and transitions. Paleobiology 11 (1): 27 – 41.

Gould, S. 1980. George Simpson: Paleontology and the modern synthesis. P. 153 – 172. En. Mayr, E. Y W. Provine (eds.) The evolutionary synthesis perspectives on the unification of Biology. Harvard Univ. Press.

Imbrie, J. 1957. The species problem with fossil animals. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Publ. 50: 125 – 153 p.

Corrales, I. Et. Al. 1989. Estratigrafia. Ed. Rueda. España: 710 p.

Casanova, R. Y R. Ratkevich. 1981. An illustrated guide fossil collecting. Naturgraph Publication, 240 p.

Converse, H. 1984. Handbook of Paleontology. Preparation techniques. Florida State Museum, University of Florida, 124 p.

Edwards, W. 1976. The early history of paleontology. British Museum (Natural History). London. 59 p.

Fenster, E., M. Hecht y U. Sorhannus. 1992. Problems in the measurement of morphological rates of change. Ann. Zool. Fennici 28: 165 – 174.

Fox, R. 1986. Species in paleontology. Geoscinces, Canada, 13 (2): 73 – 84.

Flessa, K. 1980. Biological effects of plate tectonics and continental drift. BioSciences 30 (8): 518 – 523.

Friss, E., W. Chaloner y P. Crane (eds) 1987. The origins of angiosperms and their biological consequences.

Gilinsky, N. y Ph. Signor (eds) 1991. Analitycal paleobiology. Short courses in paleontology. No. 4. Publication of the Paleontological Society. 216 p.

Glaessner, M. 1984. The dawn of animal life. Cambridge university press.

Grande, L. 1985. The use of paleontology in systematics and biogeography and a time control refinement for historical biogeography. Paleobiology 11(2):234 – 243.

Hallam, A. 1972. Drift and the fossil record. In. Continents a drift and continents aground. Sci. Amer. P. 187 – 195. Freeman & Co.

Hengelveld, R. 1990. Dynamic biogeography. Cambridge University Press, 249 p.

House, M. (ed.) 1979. The origin of mayor invertebrate groups. Systematic Assoc., Special volumen 12, Academic Press.

Imlay, R. 1942. Posibles aplicaciones de la paleontología en el desarrollo de los recursos minerales de México. Bol. Soc. Geol. Mex. Tomo XII: 45 – 50.

Jablonsky, D., K. Flessa y J. Valentine. 1985. Biogeography and paleobiology. Paleobiology 11(1): 75 – 90.

Kitts, D. 1974. Paleontology and evolutionary theory. Evolution 28: 458 – 472.

Kurten, B. 1969. Continental drift and evolution. P 176 – 186. In. Continents adrift and continents aground. Scientific American, Freeman & co.

Lawing, A. M., & Matzke, N. J. 2014. Conservation paleobiology needs phylogenetic methods. Ecography, 37(11), 1109-1122. doi:10.1111/ecog.00783

Little, C. 1990. The terrestrial invasion. Cambridge University Press, 304 p.

López – Ramos, E. 1993. Geología general y de México. Ed. Trillas.

McFadden, B. 1988. Horses, the fossil record and evolution. P. 131 – 158. En: Hecht, M., B. Wallace y G. Prance (eds.) Evolutionary Biology: 22. Plenum Publ. Corp.

Matthew III., S. 1962. Fossils. An introduction to prehistoric life. Barnes & Noble Books, 337 p.

McKerrow, W. 1978. The ecology of fossils. The MIT Press, Massachusets, 348 p.

McMenamin, M y D. McMenamin. 1990. The emergence of animals: The Cambrian breakthrough. Columbia Univ. Press. 217 p.

Norrel, M. Y M. Novacek. 1992. The fossil record and evolution: comparing cladistic and paleontologic evidence for vertebrate history. Science 255: 1690- 1693.

Olea – Franco, A. 1987. La teoría del equilibrio puntuado. Una alternativa al neodarwinismo. Revista Ciencias, UNAM. No. Especial 1: 46 – 59

Pachen, A. L. (ed). 1980. The terrestrial enviroment and the origin of land vertebrates. Systematic Assoc. Special volume 15, Academic Press.

Poinar, G. 1992. Life in ambar. Stanford Univ. Press.

Ridley, M. 1993. Evolution. Blackwell Sci. Publ.

Schopf, J. 1975. Modes of fossil preservation. Rev. Paleobot. Palynol. 20: 27 – 53.

Simpson, G. 1985. Fósiles e historia de la vida. Ed. Labor. Biblioteca Sci. Amer., Barcelona, 240 p.

Smith, A. 1994. Systematics and the fossil record: documenting evolutionary patterns. Blackwell Sci. Publ. 223 p.

Stanley, S. 1989. Earth and life through time. Freeman & Co., New York, 2nd. Ed., 689 p.

Stewart and Rothwell. 1990. Paleobotany and the evolution of plants. Cambridge University Press.

Sullivan, W. 1991. Continents in motion. American Institute of Physics.

Valentine, J. W., Jablonski, D., Erwin, D. H., & Lipps, J. H. 1996. Evolutionary paleobiology: in honor of James W. Valentine. Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press, 1996.

Walliser, O. (ed.) 1986. Invertebrate relationships. Patterns in animal evolution. Cambridge University press, 400 p.

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